Our nephew -- "Big Bird" -- is over from China and wants to see sights -- Silicon Valley, Golden Gate, etc. It will be a whirlwind daytrip, a big circuit around San Francisco Bay.
First on Big Bird's wishlist was Google Headquarters in Mountain View.
DON'T READ FURTHER if you want to keep a glamorous illusion of billionaires in Maseratis tooling around a futuristic Silicon Valley.
Towns close to the bay retain the gritty feel of wharfs & warehouses & railyards & chemicals. Mountain View keeps that pattern. We spot EBay headquarters in a small highrise behind a stripmall. Graffiti on the overpasses. The GPS says take a little industrial road off the highway; it leads to a nice but non-descript office park. Google takes most of the space in a dozen 5 story buildings.
We're here on Google Drive at Google Headquarters and there's no traffic, no action, no bustle or commotion... I was expecting helicopter limosines, towering gates with Pretorian Guards and machine guns...
I actually drove up to the front door ("Please Wait For Valet Parking") before skedaddling it back to the street.
* free public bicycles in bright pastel colors for employes to ride building to building
* sign: "On-site haircuts today"
Next stop: Apple Headquarters in Cupertino, about 20 minutes away.
Big Bird arrived at our door with the latest Apple iPhone and iPad -- he works for Erikson in Beijing and they give Apple gadgets to all their employees. Big Bird says Apple has the smartphone and tablet market sewn up in China.
Cupertino has a more upscale feel than Mountain View -- it's a new town, farther from the bay. Every other person on the sidewalks and in passing cars is Oriental.
Apple Headquarters is even less impressive than Google's!!!
We drive down a sideroad beside a mall and across the street from Target's parking garage is THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE, Steve Job's secret lab.
Actually there are 3 identical buildings like this, side-by-side, and a vast parking lot in back. We drive through the parking lot lookin for Maseratis but find only Toyotas and Fords.
* As at Google, the only employees you'd see were lonely geeks sneaking a smoke, exiled to the sidewalk.
We ate at Chili's down the street and Big Bird ordered "authentic American food".
Apple engineers sat behind us and we eavesdropped to learn trade secrets -- but it was nothing special.
North to Golden Gate. A beautiful 45 minute drive through undeveloped rolling hills.
Into South San Francisco, the bridge in the distance, gingerbread houses (at a million dollars each), city traffic, funny characters.
Across the bridge...
...looking back to SF
Left to right: Alcatraz, Treasure Island, Bay Bridge, Telegraph Hill, downtown
We were back home 8 hours after we left.
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